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"Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen." 
This famous quote argues the idea that Rugby and Citizenship shares the same values : respect, discipline, sharing, teamwork, communauty wellbeing, self-sacrifice, sportmanship, enjoyment, etc.
The goal of ERT European Rugby Tour is to train tomorrow's citizens by embodying these values.
Pupils of each country will train together, will organize a European Rugby Tour in Paris, in Madrid and Edinburgh. They will work about the orgins of Rugby and its expansion all around Europe. They will work about rules, about field, etc.

European Rugby Tour

Respect of the rules, respect of the referee, respect of the team-mates, respect of the opponents, etc. Respect is crucial in Rugby as in Society. Each pupil will live what respect is by praticing.


"Rugby? It's a the story of a ball with men around. But when you remove the ball, men stays. That's the essential" J-P Rives. Pupils will attend International games and Rugby professional trainings together

Sharing in Communauty

"In a Rugby team, there is no crewmen only a crew" P. Villepreux.  


Pupils will learn to cooperate, to play, to manage, to refer and to work together.

Team spirit and team work

Pupils will learn discipline and labour are essential to get what we except. Each pupils of each country will work together on Citizenship basics.

Discipline and work

Know where we have come from, know what are our origins, etc. Heritage is a gift. Each citizen has to know where they came. We will learn where rugby came from and where rugby live.

My father's origins
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